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Funerals are often a sad time, but this can be eased by the personal touch of the independent celebrant: Mrs Sandra Stevenson. Sandra will gently guide through all aspects of the funeral service. She will arrange a personal consultation with the family, and find out exactly how they would like the funeral to proceed, whether this be in a religious way, or simply to talk about their loved one, what they loved, who they loved, stories of pride, joy and even humour.

The service will be tailor-made to your requirements to include special music, tributes, poems, so that the congregation can really celebrate the life that was, whilst at the same time receiving comfort.

Pre-planned funerals are also growing in popularity, and advice can also be given on these by Sandra.

Whether this is non-religious or religious it will respect your beliefs, and honour and remember the loved one you are saying goodbye to.

Please ask your Funeral Director to contact me on 01243 828541

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